Wednesday, August 11, 2010

peach hibiscus in a vase Aug. 11, 2010.


Today, the hibiscus decided it was okay to come inside the house!  It lasted all day too, amazingly enough.  The flower on the left had started to droop by the time I took the picture, but it did well.)  I didn't take any chances though.  I drew the hibiscus flowers first and painted them, just in case, and then I drew and painted the rest of the painting!

The colour of this hibiscus is so rich. And with the mealy bug problem, it is not always in bloom as it normally would be.  So I took this opportunity to 'make it a study'.

  I decided to leave 'tables' behind, and go for just the single line at the back of the drawing,  for the moment!


  1. Beautiful flowers...just may be your best the results.

  2. We are seeing the daily progress. Small steps over the last few days. But today, I think you've made a leap forward here, in both drawing and painting.
    Great work!

  3. Thanks! I am beginning to 'fine tune'! I am getting back into the feeling of the paint. It has its own ideas!
