Sunday, July 18, 2010

'the singer's hat' tobago. July 2010.

This is my first attempt at drawing, after a small absence of about 25 years!
July 2010.
Why a 25 year absence from drawing? Life just took me somewhere else. Kids arrived, and I was 'taken'!
Lively little people had all the appeal that was needed. The drawing, which demands a kind of solitude, would have to wait.
But I taught children to draw, and to see! I taught them batik and tie dye and pottery, with glazes and kilns and all.
A school was created. I ran summer art camps for children, where we explored puppetry and story telling. I designed children's Carnival Mas Bands, and enlisted the children to choreograph the dances, and paint their own costumes. It was a busy and creative time.
We will see what I can remember!!

1 comment:

  1. Picture #1
    An exercise where you draw the object, as if your pencil was on the object. You do not look at the paper at any time during this exercise.

    Picture #2
    An exercise where you try to keep the feeling of the hat, but you look at the paper, only rarely. And when your basic lines are drawn, you can look and attempt the shading.

    Picture #3
    Another attempt!
