Sunday, December 12, 2010

'lilies and shadows' Tobago. Dec. 12, 2010.

I am going to post this painting, although I think it was more an exercise in what not to do.. too many brush strokes, but.. there is something that I like about it.. I think it is the shapes and colours. I may even try to paint this again, using darker shades of green to start with!  but.. alas....

I wanted that contrast.. but.. how to get it in one step is the question.??

Tomorrow is another day!

one day later... Dec. 13, 2010.
And this is what  I did today.. better technique, but the contrast???  work continues...

I like the leaves better, but the background shapes are not as interesting.. so.. there you go... another day..!


  1. Every day, a new beginning! Enjoy each shape, each line, each tone, in a voyage of discovery!

  2. ... so many possible combinations and permutations! it is a voyage of discovery..
