Saturday, October 2, 2010

Drift wood posts at Speyside, Tobago. Oct. 2, 2010.

I was lucky enough to be able to participate in a tour around Tobago, last weekend.  Since I was out for most of the weekend, I decided to try to take some pictures to work from.  This is one of them.

And this is the painting I did today. I really enjoyed doing this painting. I have been observing trees and pieces of wood and drift wood, for years. I feel a kinship with it, as I guess everyone does. So it was a pleasure to try to paint it.  This is todays 'offering'.

Drift wood posts. Speyside, Tobago. 

1 comment:

  1. Today I realized that these are actually tree stumps, and not drift wood. They are trees that were cut down, leaving only what you see remaining.
    I happened to see another one today at the beach, and had more time to examine it closely, and it was a tree trunk.
